
Synthetic Physiology Russian Nervism  2024

November 1 to December 23, 2024

Who can Attend? General and Specialist Physicians, Veterinarians and Dentists.

Certification: Certificate of completation.

Medium: Pre recorded sessions and two synchronous live sessions with the instructor.

The start of our course is approaching:








About the course


The Neural Therapy Colombian Association – Neuraltherapeutic Medicine ACOLTEN/MNT is pleased to present its new course in Pre recorded sessions mode, plus two live Synchronous session with the Instructor, Argentine Professor, Dr. Med. Jorge Kaczewer. The academic event will take place on Nov 1 to Dec 23 of this year.

Educational purpose

The objective of this course is to update and deepen the knowledge of neural therapists in the theoretical-philosophical aspects of Neural Therapy. With an essentially onto-epistemological orientation, the concepts and theories of the exponents of Russian neuralism are revalued.

Specific objectives
  • Expand and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Pathophysiology of the Nervous System (NS), tool and field of MNT.
  • Recognize the fundamentals of NR as a physiological current that attributes to the SN the role of coordinator of physiological and pathological states, including mental phenomena..
  • Broaden their conception of the epistemic contributions of NR in neurophilosophy, histocytology, embryology, neurobiology, biophysics, cybernetics, evolutionary biology, symbiomics, etc.
  • To incorporate a particular conception of reflex different from the conventional notion: biological, anatomical, psychophysiological, conditional and dialectical concepts of reflex.
  • To value the contributions of Pavlov’s neurophysiological theory to modern neuroscience.
  • To incorporate the concepts of his research that constitute the theoretical bases of MNT.
  • To know the research and achievements of the main representatives of the Pavlovian scientific school.
  • To broaden their vision of Speransky’s scientific legacy.
  • To discover the personal and contextual characteristics of his biography, until now completely unknown to the Western scientific community.
  • To deepen the implications of Speransky’s neuropathology and pathophysiology for the neuraltherapeutic profession. To integrate his theories to the explanatory models of the interfering field in MNT.
  • To know the researches and achievements of Séchenov, Vvedensky, Ukhtomsky, Anokhin, Bernstein, the Vishnevsky and the exponents of their respective scientific schools.
  • To update and to extend a bibliographical support with respect to the investigations and books published by the exponents of the NR (see attached bibliography).


Schedule, Modality and Intensity

Start: November 1, 2024
End: December 23, 2024
Modality: Pre recorded videos + two live opening and closing sessions with the instructor.
Access on mobile and PC.

Approximately 20 hours of video (english closed captioned). 

About  Professor


Graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. 45 years exploring health models with different rationalities to that of technological-industrial medicine (Neural Therapy, Neurofocal Dentistry, anthroposophical medicine, homeopathy, homotoxicology, spinal manipulation, naturopathy, phytomedicine, orthomolecular medicine, ecological nutrition, transpersonal psychology).

Trained in Neural Therapy in Colombia in 1997 by Dr. Payán, while practicing as a rural doctor in San Marcos Sierras, Department of Cruz del Eje, in the Province of Córdoba.

Certified by CIMA Colombia, ACONMB and the International Medical Association of Neural Therapy according to Huneke Huneke.
Neural Therapy according to Huneke of Germany in 2004.

Head of the Neural Therapy Unit of the Department of Complementary and Integrative Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the Maimonides University, where he conducted the First University Course of Neural Therapy held in Argentina (2003-2004).

Founder and director of the Argentine Institute of Neural Therapy, an independent space dedicated for 17 years to promote research, development and dissemination of Neural Therapy in Argentina and other countries of the Southern Cone.

From 2005 to date he has taught 32 editions of Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry courses.

Speaker on NT and ONF in several congresses, conferences, diploma courses and seminars of the main local associations of alternative or complementary medicines and therapies.


Live opening session with the instructor.


Topic 1:  Introduction to Russian Nervism and Synthetic Physiology. 

Topic 2: Pioneers of Nervism and neurophysiological schools: Pavlov, Speransky, Ukhtomsky, Bykov, Anokhin, Bernstein.

Topic 3: Onto-epistemology of Nervism and Neuraltherapeutic Medicine.

Topic 4: Notions of Interfering Field.

Topic 5: Injection techniques of Russian Nervism.

Live closing session with the instructor.



Three steps registration process 

Step 1. Verify eligibility

You must be: General and Specialist Physicians, Veterinarians or Dentists.

Step 2. Make online payment

Make payment through the secure Payu plataform, by clicking on one of the buttons below. Select individual or group registration as appropriate.

Step 3. Send Documentation to [email protected]

  • Screenshot of Payment.
  • Name/surname and cell/mobile phone number.
  • Screenshot of professional Id or screenshot of graduate certification.

    By sending the information to our e-mail address you accept our Data Protection Policy (in spanish) Política de Protección de Datos.

    Pay Online:



    * Group payments require prior contact with ACOLTEN’s staff before making the payment.

    Help: Direct message to Course Coordination
    +57 3115467283

    [email protected]